Ingredients: Dried pepper (60%), garlic (10%), cod (15%), and extra virgin olive oil (15%).
Presentation: Glass jar.
It is not known for sure how many years we have been enjoying this delicious recipe or where this delicacy began to be consumed, but we have had the pleasure of speaking to many locals in the region who claim that it all began in the olive oil mills when they used to make their own “breaks”, as they finished recollecting the olives.
Luckily the land around these places is quite spread out, as well as its wise culture.
Here, products were dried in the sun, and in order to taste the oil of the harvest some dried peppers were grabbed and a small fire was lit, where these peppers, a few slices of cod as well as some garlic were all roasted, then cut-off into pieces and mixed with the oil of the recent harvest. A Pericana that is worthy of the name must have the following ingredients: DRY PEPPER “Bajoca Callosita”, GARLIC, COD AND EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.
Energy value: 365 Kcal & 1533 KJ.
Proteins: 25.7 gr
Carbohydrates: 25.7 gr
Lipids: 20.7 gr
Toast peppers, cod, and garlic, then mix all the ingredients and add extra virgin olive oil.
Finally, boil the container at 100 degrees celsius for 20 minutes.
Our whole family was lucky to have a very nice and active mother, great person and among many of her virtues, one of her suggestions was the following:
In order to properly consume the PERICANA, you must have in hand a good slice of homemade bread, without toasting it, and such should be filled with PERICANA. It is an exquisite delicacy indeed.
As with everything, there has been an evolution on ways to consume it, and thereby we propose a PERICANA omelet, which is a delight, or to taste it on top of dried octopus, or to make some dried “micas” by adding PERICANA or even to try cooking rice “A banda” with PERICANA is definitely a treat.
As we are always inventing, we have tried to make some puff pastry using PERICANA, and the result was spectacular, similar to making a PERICANA based Bread. The taste is very pleasant and savory.
Our advice, as usual, is to experiment it first without mixing and from there onwards, each of us can further elaborate on his/her own combinations. So, a piece of bread and from there, the sky is the limit!
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